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Error In Selecting Banks during auth-request

Why with original bankId gives 400 BAD REQUEST in Customized consent during auth-request while test bankId(1ffe704d39629a929c8e293880fb449a) is working?

Invalid client assertion format while creating a user

Hi, I'm following the User guide (<https://docs.moneyhubenterprise.com/docs/ongoing-access#obtaining-a-token>) to create a new user via the API. I created a Base64 encoded JWT with the headers and payload as follows: header='{ "kid": "12345", "alg": "RS256" }' payload='{ "iss": "<client-id>", "sub": "<client-id>", "jti": "some-placeholder-text", "aud": "<https://identity.moneyhub.co.uk/oidc/token">, "iat": 1714143145, "exp": 1722009145, }' However, when I hit the /oidc/token endpoint, I get the error: Invalid client assertion format while creating a user Would appreciate some help in debugging this. Best, Sandip

Flutter Integration?

Hi there. We're looking into MoneyHub for our Flutter apps, having moved things over from Native IOS/Android. Has anyone had any luck with this - specifically getting round a DART signer problem?

Mock Test Banks

Where we can login as demo user as mentioned in the documentation? <https://docs.moneyhubenterprise.com/docs/test-our-api> I want to create a test financial connection. Thanks

Getting Authorization Code with MoneyHub Open Banking Mock

I am not able to get auth code after entering credentials with user id 65a8ff6a139ca55709bc360b in the step 3. <https://admin-portal.moneyhub.co.uk/second-use-case>