

We now support account Statements for Open Banking connections


New connection: ABN AMRO

ABN AMRO connection is available as a Beta connection in Moneyhub


Permissions replacement support

You can now replace the default set of permissions used when creating consent claims and Auth Requests using the permissionsAction property. This can be used to create a more lightweight permissions set for AIS connections.


Mock bank now supports standing orders

You can now use the Moneyhub Mock Bank when testing standing orders. The current account for the demo user will support Standing Order Retrieve and any account will be able to support Standing Order Requests


External Error Handling

On our /sync endpoint, its not uncommon for an external provider (financial institution) to send back errors of their own. Previously these errors would not differentiate themselves from our own.


Legacy connection name fix

An issue with the connection name property returned from the{userId}/connections endpoint has now been resolved. Only affecting Legacy connections containing mortgage or loan account types, it was sometimes observed that the connection name would be returned as ---. This is fixed and will no longer occur.

Versioning changes for the V3 release

A new version of our API has been published 🎉


Valuation connections (e.g. zoopla) lastUpdated field

The lastUpdated field returned on GET /user/{userId}/connections has been modified for valuation connections i.e. zoopla, mouseprice and autotrader to reflect the true date of when data was last retrieved from the provider. Valuation connections sync monthly (every 30 days) with the provider as stated in this page The lastUpdated dates for other connection types i.e. API, Legacy are not affected.


Zoopla error handling improvement

The zoopla connection flow has been altered so that the attempt to retrieve the property valuation now happens immediately after the user has submitted address information. In case that no valuation can be found for the property the user will be presented with a message giving options to search again or exit the flow.


Added lastSyncedAt to user connections

The field lastSyncedAt has been added to the user connections endpoint. This field represents the latest date a sync to the connections was triggered regardless if the sync was successful or not.