
Zoopla error handling improvement

The zoopla connection flow has been altered so that the attempt to retrieve the property valuation now happens immediately after the user has submitted address information. In case that no valuation can be found for the property the user will be presented with a message giving options to search again or exit the flow.


Added lastSyncedAt to user connections

The field lastSyncedAt has been added to the user connections endpoint. This field represents the latest date a sync to the connections was triggered regardless if the sync was successful or not.


The id:all scope will show enabled connections

When creating a new connection with the id:all scope, or setting bankId to all when using the Moneyhub client library, the bank chooser will be shown to allow the end user to select the bank. Previously this scope would require all connection types to be enabled, but now the scope will simply show the bank chooser with just the enabled connections listed


Added providerAccountId field to accounts

Accounts now include a providerAccountId field, which is the Id of the account provided by the bank. This Id will remain constant across multiple connections


API Demo Signup is now live

New API users can sign-up to the admin portal and begin demoing the API immediately following this link:


Accounts can now be filtered by connectionId

You can now GET /accounts and filter them by their connectionId.


Adding default scopes for new API clients

We have expanded the default scopes when creating new api clients to make it easier to get started with our API! 🎉


Account name Improvements

We are now using the Products API for all our open banking providers to enhance the account name.
This is a first step to allow us to get more data related to the products that a user has with their banking provider.


Node.js Library allows access tokens to be passed in


Requires @mft/[email protected] and later


New Getting Started Guide

We now have a brand new getting started guide found here: